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Current editors:
(University of Illinois)
Zoë Bijl (Invited Expert)
Michael Cooper (W3C)
Former editors:
Joseph Scheuhammer (Inclusive Design Research Centre, OCAD University) - Until
Lisa Pappas (SAS) - Until
Rich Schwerdtfeger (IBM Corporation) - Until

Honorary Editor

This version of the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide is dedicated to the memory of Carolyn MacLeod whose contributions are visible throughout the entire guide. She was dedicated to all aspects of the work of the APG Task Force from writing code and suggesting editorial revisions to testing examples with assistive technologies.

  • Carolyn MacLeod (IBM Canada)

Major Contributors to Version 1.1

While WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.1 is the work of the entire Authoring Practices Task Force and also benefits from many people throughout the open source community who both contribute significant work and provide valuable feedback, special thanks goes to the following people who provided distinctly large portions of the content and code in version 1.1.

  • Jon Gunderson and Nicholas Hoyt of the Division of Disability Resources and Education Services at the University of Illinois Urbana/Champaign and the students Max Foltz, Sulaiman Sanaullah, Mark McCarthy, and Jinyuan Zhou for their contributions to the development of many of the design pattern examples.
  • Valerie Young of Bocoup and her sponsor, Facebook, for development of the example test framework and regressions tests for more than 50 examples.
  • Simon Pieters of Bocoup and his sponsor, Facebook, for authoring of significant guidance sections, including comprehensive treatment of the topic of accessible names and descriptions.

Participants active in the ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force

  • Ann Abbott (Invited Expert)
  • Shirisha Balusani (Microsoft Corporation)
  • Dorothy Bass (Wells Fargo Bank N.A.)
  • Curt Bellew (Oracle)
  • Zoë Bijl (Invited Expert)
  • Michael Cooper (W3C)
  • Bryan Garaventa (Level Access)
  • Jon Gunderson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Jesse Hausler(Salesforce)
  • Sarah Higley (Microsoft Corporation)
  • Hans Hillen (The Paciello Group, LLC)
  • Matt King (Facebook)
  • Jaeun Ku (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • Aaron Leventhal (Google)
  • Carolyn MacLeod (IBM Corporation)
  • Mark McCarthy (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • James Nurthen (Adobe)
  • Scott O'Hara (The Paciello Group, LLC)
  • Simon Pieters (Bocoup)
  • Scott Vinkle (Shopify)
  • Evan Yamanishi (W. W. Norton)
  • Valerie Young (Bocoup)

Other commenters and contributors to Version 1.1

  • Vyacheslav Aristov
  • J. Renée Beach
  • Kasper Christensen
  • Gerard K. Cohen
  • Anne-Gaelle Colom
  • Kevin Coughlin
  • Cameron Cundiff
  • Manish Dahamiwal
  • Gilmore Davidson
  • Boris Dušek
  • Michael Fairchild
  • Jeremy Felt
  • Rob Fentress
  • Geppy
  • Tatiana Iskandar
  • Patrick Lauke
  • Marek Lewandowski
  • Dan Matthew
  • Shane McCarron
  • Victor Meyer
  • Jonathan Neal
  • Philipp Rudloff
  • Joseph Scheuhammer
  • Nick Schonning
  • Thomas Corthals
  • Christopher Tryens
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This is an unpublished draft preview that might include content that is not yet approved. The published website is at